
学位:博士 职称:教授
Email:tzhang@jinbeiylc.com; zhang@biosustain.dtu.dk
主要致力于新型绿色生物能源技术的开发与应用。借助生物电化学、材料科学及合成生物学技术,以生物电合成为重点,研发高效新型的电极材料,同时利用基因工程生产市场价值高的有机化学产品及生物燃料。领导主持4项由丹麦国家基金委及丹麦诺和诺德基金会资助项目,至2016年共计到账1050万人民币。至今为止,张甜已发表国际论文30余篇,其中包括Science,Nature Biotechnology,Trends in Biotechnology(Cell子刊),Energy& Environmental Science等。现为Scientific Reports的编辑,同时是多个国际期刊的审稿人
序号 |
项目名称 |
项目性质及来源 |
项目经费 |
起始年度 |
终止年度 |
排序 |
1 |
微生物电合成(Microbial Electrosynthesis) |
丹麦诺和诺德基金会(The Novo Nordisk Foundation) |
250 万克朗/年 |
2013 |
2016 |
1 |
2 |
利用稀薄空气及生物可持续发展方法生产化学产品(FutureChem-Biosustainable Production of Chemicals from Thin Air) |
丹麦诺和诺德基金会(The Novo Nordisk Foundation) |
230 万克朗 |
2013 |
2016 |
1 |
3 |
微生物电转化二氧化碳成化学制品(Microbial electroconversion of CO2 into chemicals) |
丹麦国家基金委 (Danish Research Council) |
7.5 万克朗 |
2015 |
2016 |
1 |
4 |
发展回收工业废气中CO2的微生物电合成技术(Development of microbial electrosynthesis for the recycling of industrial CO2waste) |
丹麦国家基金委 (Danish Research Council) |
3 万克朗 |
2015 |
2016 |
1 |
1. Pier-Luc Tremblay, Largus T. Angenent, Tian Zhang*, Extracellular electron uptake: among autotrophs and mediated by surfaces, Trends in Biotechnology, 2017, 35 (4): 360-371. 期刊号:0167-7799,影响因子:12.065,JCR一区
2. Nabin Aryal, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Dawid M. Lizak, Tian Zhang*, Performance of different Sporomusa species for the microbial electrosynthesis of acetate from carbon dioxide, Bioresource Technology, 2017, 233: 184–190. 期刊号:0960-8524,影响因子:4.917,JCR一区
3. Leifeng Chen, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Soumyaranjan Mohanty, Kai Xu, Tian Zhang*, Electrosynthesis of acetate from CO2 by a highly structured biofilm assembled with reduced graphene oxide–tetraethylene pentamine, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4: 8395-8401. 期刊号:2050-7488,影响因子:8.262,JCR一区
4. Fariza Ammam, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Dawid M. Lizak, Tian Zhang*, Effect of tungstate on acetate and ethanol production by the electrosynthetic bacterium Sporomusa ovata, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2016, 9: 163. 期刊号:1754-6834,影响因子:6.444,JCR一区
5. Nabin Aryal, Arnab Halder, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Qijin Chi, Tian Zhang*, Enhanced microbial electrosynthesis with three-dimensional graphene functionalized cathodes fabricated via solvothermal synthesis, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 217: 117-122. 期刊号:0013-4686,影响因子:4.803,JCR一区
6. Ido Amit, David Baker, Roger Barker, et al. Tian Zhang, Voices of biotech, Nature Biotechnology, 2016, 34(3): 270-275. 期刊号:1087-0156,影响因子:43.113,JCR一区
7. Tian Zhang#*, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Editorial: current challenges and future perspectives on emerging bioelectrochemical technologies, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7:860. 期刊号:1664-302X,影响因子:4.165,JCR一区
8. Tian Zhang, More efficient together, Science, 2015, 350 (6262): 738-739. 期刊号:0036-8075,影响因子:34.661,JCR一区
9. Pier-Luc Tremblay, Daniel Höglund, Anna Koza, Ida Bonde, Tian Zhang*, Adaptation of the autotrophic acetogen Sporomusa ovata to methanol accelerates the conversion of CO2 to organic products, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:16168. 期刊号:2045-2322,影响因子:5.228,JCR一区
10. Akhilesh Chaurasia, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Dawn Holmes, Tian Zhang, Genetic evidence that the degradation of para-Cresol by Geobacter metallireducens is catalyzed by the periplasmic p-cresol methylhydroxylase, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2015, 362 (20): fnv145. 期刊号:0378-1097,影响因子:1.858,JCR三区
11. Leifeng Chen, Hua Yu, Jiasong Zhong, Chaoxing Wu, Liqin Hu, Tian Zhang*, Effectively improved field emission properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/graphenes composite field emitter by covering on the Si pyramidal structure, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2015, 62 (12): 4305 – 4312. 期刊号:0018-9383,影响因子:2.207,JCR一区
12. Leifeng Chen, Hua Yu, Jiasong Zhong, Hong He, Tian Zhang*, Harnessing light energy with a planar transparent hybrid of graphene/single wall carbon nanotube/n-type silicon heterojunction solar cell, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 178, 732-738. 期刊号:0013-4686,影响因子:4.803,JCR一区
13. Pier-Luc Tremblay, Tian Zhang*, Electrifying microbes for the production of chemicals, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:201. 期刊号:1664-302X,影响因子:4.165,JCR一区
14. Tian Zhang#*, Pier-Luc Tremblay#, Akhilesh Kumar Chaurasia, Jessica A. Smith, Timothy S. Bain, Derek R. Lovley, Identification of genes specifically required for the anaerobic metabolism of benzene in Geobacter metallireducens, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2014, 5: 245. 期刊号:1664-302X,影响因子:4.165,JCR一区
15. Adam M. Feist, Harish Nagarajan, Amelia-Elena Rotaru, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Tian Zhang, Kelly P. Nevin, Derek R. Lovley, Karsten Zengler, Constraint-based modeling of carbon fixation and the energetics of external electron transfer in Geobacter metallireducens GS-15, PLOS Computational Biology, 2014, 10(4):e1003575. 期刊号:1553-734X,影响因子:4.587,JCR一区
16. Tian Zhang#*, Timothy S. Bain, Melissa A. Barlett, Shabir A. Dar, Oona L. Snoeyenbos-West, Kelly P. Nevin, Derek R. Lovley, Sulfur oxidation to sulfate coupled with electron transfer to electrodes by Desulfuromonas strain TZ1, Microbiology, 2014, 160: 123-129. 期刊号:1664-302X,影响因子:2.268,JCR三区
17. Tian Zhang#*, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Akhilesh Kumar Chaurasia, Jessica A. Smith, Timothy S. Bain, Derek R. Lovley, Anaerobic benzene oxidation via phenol in Geobacter metallireducens, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2013, 79: 7800-7806. 期刊号:0099-2240,影响因子:3.823,JCR一区
18. Huarong Nie#, Tian Zhang#, Mengmeng Cui, Haiyun Lu, Derek R. Lovley, Thomas P. Russell, Improved cathode for high efficient microbial-catalyzed reduction in microbial electrosynthesis cells, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15, 14290-14294. 期刊号:1463-9076,影响因子:4.449,JCR一区
19. Tian Zhang#, Huarong Nie, Timothy S. Bain, Haiyun Lu, Mengmeng Cui, Oona L. Snoeyenbos-West, Ashley E. Franks, Kelly P. Nevin, Thomas P. Russell, Derek R. Lovley, Improved cathode materials for microbial electrosynthesis, Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6: 217-224. 期刊号:1754-5692,影响因子:25.427,JCR一区
20. Pier-Luc Tremblay, Tian Zhang, Shabir A. Dar, Ching Leang, Derek R. Lovley, The Rnf complex of Clostridium ljungdahlii is a proton translocating ferredoxin:NAD+ oxidoreductase essential for autotrophic growth, mBio, 2013, 4(1):e00406-12. 期刊号:2150-7511,影响因子:6.975,JCR一区
21. Yanming Gong, Ali Ebrahim, Adam Feist, Mallory Embree, Tian Zhang, Derek Lovley, Karsten Zengler, Sulfide-driven microbial electrosynthesis, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 47: 568-573. 期刊号:0013-936X,影响因子:5.393,JCR一区
22. Tian Zhang#*, Timothy S. Bain, Kelly P. Nevin, Melissa A. Barlett, Derek R. Lovley, Anaerobic benzene oxidation by Geobacter species, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2012, 78: 8304-8310. 期刊号:0099-2240,影响因子:3.823,JCR一区